Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Mitchell: "Hey Er, have you seen the mail key?"
Erin: "Uh no, I haven't."
Mitchell: "Are you sure? It's not on the key rack."
Erin: "No, I definitely haven't seen it. I've been in Michigan all weekend which means YOU were the last one to check the mail. So where did YOU put it?"
Mitchell: "I really don't know. Maybe I left in my backpack or something. But that's at school. Besides, I really don't think I would have put it there. But we could check."
Erin: "Seriously? We were just at the school. We need to drive all the way back? Boyzo, boyzo Buster Brown."

15 minutes later in school parking lot. Mitchell has just returned to the car from checking his locker.

Mitchell: "Well it's definitely not there."
Erin: "Well that was a good use of gas."
Mitchell: "Hey!"
Erin: "Just kidding... kinda."

10 minutes later back at the house. Erin has just gone through piles of Mitchell's clothes, drawers, and checked under all couch cushions. Mitchell has just rechecked everywhere Erin has checked. Erin gives up and lays on the bed to check her facebook. Mitchell continues the search.

Mitchell: "Well I just have no idea where it could be!"
Erin: "Did you check your pockets? laptop bag? You know why the key is lost? Look at this kitchen table- all your stuff is everywhere. Nothing is where it should be."
Mitchell: "I really have no clue."
Erin: *Sigh* "Oh well, we'll just have to spend the 50 bucks to get a new one I guess. Lame."

Erin goes back to facebook, feeling her passive/aggressive attitude is warranted, even if it is a little mean-hearted. Mitchell keeps looking, feeling sadly responsible for the loss of the key and most likely 50 bucks.

2 minutes later.

Mitchell: "Haaaah!
Erin: "You found it? Where had you put it?"
Mitchell: "Where had I put it? Are you sure that's the question you want to be asking?"

Mitchell approaches bedroom door with Erin's purse in hand.

Mitchell: "So you were in Michigan all weekend huh? There's NO way you were the last one to use the key? I'M the one who never puts stuff in the right place? Then why did I find the key in YOUR purse, Missy?"
Erin: "Whoops."

Big, fun, loving hug as couple walks to mailbox hand in hand.

1 comment:

  1. At least you both weren't mad at each other over it. That's always the worst feeling when you find out that is your fault that something was lost. Happens to me all the time, the key to it is to try and find it before your spouse does, that way you can still blame him. HAHA!!! kidding.
